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I knew that reading scriptures in the morning had been a blessing to us, but I didn’t know how much until a friend asked me this morning how I was able to juggle being the Primary president and taking care of my family. I told her that I only felt this was possible through our […]

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During the Summer we decided that we would hold scriptures at 10:00 a.m. and it worked beautifully!  Since school has started scriptures has been a challenge for us with having to move it to 8:00 in the evening and my husband and I have noticed a dramatic difference.  This, of course, became a topic of […]

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I was blessed with a little epiphany this morning as I was trying to wake up.  I was still asleep yet my mind was clear – crystal clear.  I felt the importance of making and keeping promises being impressed upon my mind just as I was starting to stir.  The thought came and left and […]

Ride the Waves


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My life feels like it’s spinning out of control.  I have two boys in football – I have not done sports for a long time so this is a bit of a culture shock to get back into this.  When I think about what I can do to gain control I have a few ideas […]

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So we were on vacation last week with my husband’s extended family from a Monday to a Monday.  It was Saturday and my oldest son, Brennan, broke the ulna and radius in his left arm.  Talk about a change of plans!!  They (dad and two sons) went riding motorcycles at the local track (30 min. […]