Archive for the ‘Family Home Evening’ Category

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So…..last week I gave the kids a homework assignment for FHE. They were to search the scriptures and find a verse that DESCRIBED THE KIND OF FAMILY WE WANT TO BE. Only one remembered. The others….not so much. BUT hoping to not be outdone by their sibling, some of them randomly spouted off a reference […]

Mom, do you see me?


posted by on Family Home Evening, My Life, Ramblings

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I just learned something new about my fifteen year old son tonight.  He will gripe about doing things that he knows he believes in doing and he just wants to know what my reaction will be if he tells me he doesn’t believe in any of it.  As he clearly and firmly stated that “all […]

posted by on Family Home Evening

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Tonight it was my turn to teach family home evening and I didn’t do a very good job at it.  We’re all frustrated with each other this week (due to lack of family scripture reading) so nobody’s really feeling the love these days.  As I explained principles of the gospel I received glares in return.  […]