My Next 40 Years


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This week I turned 41. 40 has a way of making you look at life differently, but the permanence of my 40’s became real when 41 came up around the bend. Up until now, this blog has been dedicated to the tender mercies in my life. Tender mercies that help me to see beyond paralyzing anxieties. My blog was titled ‘I Stand All Amazed’. The name has served it’s purpose well, but age and experience have taught me that it’s time to do more than stand. It’s time to leave the anxieties behind and start moving forward. In doing so I’m seeing things I’ve seen a thousand times but don’t ever remember seeing. I guess you could say my eyes feel opened for the first time.

I now see truth. I no longer see portions of truth mingled with portions of “something else” I’ve never even considered to be truth, but too afraid to challenge. I see, “He that has ascended up on high, as also he descended below all things, in that he comprehended all things, that he might be in all and through all things, the light of truth; which truth shineth. This is the light of Christ…” (Doctrine & Covenants 88:6-7)

This light of Christ has opened my eyes – to see things through God’s eyes. I’ve noticed that a gentle confidence has emerged from within, nudging me to courageously live life beyond a place I’ve barely dared to imagine. I feel driven to push beyond the boundaries of spiritual wheel chairs, emotional crutches, mental safety nets, and monochromatic choices.

So….here’s to my next 40 years. Onward and upward!

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